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Share text and files anonymously with a passcode, like picking up a package

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📝 Introduction

FileCodeBox is a lightweight file sharing tool developed with FastAPI + Vue3. It allows users to share text and files easily, where recipients only need a passcode to retrieve the files, just like picking up a package from a delivery locker.

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Frontend Repository     Demo Site

🎯 Use Cases

📁 Temporary File Sharing

Quick file sharing without registration

📝 Quick Text Sharing

Share code snippets and text content

🕶️ Anonymous Transfer

Privacy-protected file transfer

💾 Temporary Storage

File storage with expiration time

🔄 Cross-platform Transfer

Quick file transfer between devices

🌐 Private Share Service

Build your own file sharing service

✨ Core Features

🚀 Lightweight

Based on FastAPI + SQLite3 + Vue3 + ElementUI

📤 Easy Upload

Support copy-paste and drag-drop

📦 Multiple Types

Support text and various file types

🔒 Security

  • IP upload limits
  • Error attempt limits
  • File expiration

🎫 Passcode Sharing

Random codes with customizable limits

🌍 Multi-language

Support for Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and English

🎭 Anonymous

No registration required

🛠 Admin Panel

File and system management

🐳 Docker

One-click deployment

💾 Storage Options

Local, S3, OneDrive support

📱 Responsive

Mobile-friendly design

💻 CLI Support

Command-line download

🚀 Quick Start

Docker Deployment

docker run -d --restart=always -p 12345:12345 -v /opt/FileCodeBox/:/app/data --name filecodebox lanol/filecodebox:beta

Manual Deployment

  1. Clone the repository
git clone
  1. Install dependencies
cd FileCodeBox
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Start the service

📖 Usage Guide

Share Files

  1. Open the website, click "Share File"
  2. Select or drag files
  3. Set expiration time and count
  4. Get the passcode

Retrieve Files

  1. Open the website, enter passcode
  2. Click retrieve
  3. Download file or view text

Admin Panel

  1. Visit /admin
  2. Enter admin password
  3. Manage files and settings

🛠 Development Guide

Project Structure

├── apps/           # Application code
│   ├── admin/     # Admin backend
│   └── base/      # Base functions
├── core/          # Core functions
├── data/          # Data directory
└── fcb-fronted/   # Frontend code

Development Environment

  • Python 3.8+
  • Node.js 14+
  • Vue 3
  • FastAPI

Local Development

  1. Backend development
  1. Frontend development
cd fcb-fronted
npm install
npm run dev

🤝 Contributing

  1. Fork the project
  2. Create your feature branch git checkout -b feature/xxx
  3. Commit your changes git commit -m 'Add xxx'
  4. Push to the branch git push origin feature/xxx
  5. Open a Pull Request


Q: How to modify upload size limit?

A: Change uploadSize in admin panel

Q: How to configure storage engine?

A: Select storage engine and configure parameters in admin panel

Q: How to backup data?

A: Backup the data directory

For more questions, visit Wiki

😀 Project Statistics and Analytics



Star History

📜 Disclaimer

This project is open-source for learning purposes only. It should not be used for any illegal purposes. The author is not responsible for any consequences. Please retain the project address and copyright information when using it.

Released under the LGPL-3.0 license